Texan .50
The Texan has two sizes for .50 (please use a caliper and measure your barrel's outer diameter)
.50 =  18.83 mm #A62
.50 = 19.1 mm #A71

Select the according caliber size for the adapter needed.

I recommend the Emperor .45/.50 m18x1.

When silence is priority i recommend the Extender M18x1 #S5C with the Emperor.


If you want to skip the Emperor/Extender option above I recommend the Great Kami .45/.50 M18x1 #S74.


Texan .45

Select the according caliber size for the adapter needed.

I recommend the Emperor .45/.50 m18x1.

When silence is priority i recommend the Extender M18x1 #S5C with the Emperor.


If you want to skip the Emperor/Extender option above I recommend the Great Kami .45/.50 M18x1 #S74.


Texan .308/.357

Select the according caliber size for the adapter needed.

I recommend the Emperor .308/.357 #S5A


When silence is priority i recommend the Extender M18x1 #S5C with the Emperor.
